Useful Links
Please explore following links to find out useful information, which you required in day today life.
BSNL has made available All Indian telephone directory of people and organizations. You may search for the telephone numbers of individuals and organizations by entering their names
It provides comprehensive list donors locationwise.
This is the National Portal of India, a single window access to information and services being provided by the various Indian Government entities. It is a collaborative effort of various Indian Government Ministries and Departments, at the Central/State/District level.
A one point source to know all about Indian Government websites at all levels and from all sectors
Explore this site to know the accommodation availability, time table and other useful information regarding Indian Railways
India Yellow Pages lists companies name classified as per their business products and services
India's first digital map.
IIT Bombay has launched "Mumbai Navigator" for people to find out how to reach from one place to another.
On-line application form for PAN card.
It provides status of Passport details for Regional Passport Office across India.
It helps you to search for pincodes and city in India.
Find the world time(clock) and date(calender) under this link for different countries.
Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, L. Napoo Road, Near Matunga (Central Rly.), Mumbai - 400 019.(Best viewed with Internet Explorer)
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