Vol. No. 14, Issue No. 5, May 2024
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New Books

Ebook: EI 385
The Subscription Boom : Why an Old Business Model
By Adam Levinter

Ebook: EI 386
The Future of E-Commerce
By Vikas Kumar

Ebook: EI 387
The Digital Seeker : A Guide for Digital Teams to
By Raj K. De Datta
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Using Voice Assistants for an Enhanced Online Retail Shopping Experience: An SEM Study with UTAUT2 Framework.
By Nanda, A., Sehgal, G., Kaur, N., & Sharma, M.
IUP Journal of Marketing Management. Feb2024, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p85-113. 29p.

Abstract :The study examines consumers` intention to use voice assistants to enhance their shopping experience on e-commerce platforms. For achieving the purpose of the study, data was obtained from around 500 respondents through an online questionnaire. Convenience and simple random sampling were used to collect responses from the participants. The study tested the UTAUT2 model to determine how well consumers embrace the use of digital assistants, especially voice assistants, for shopping in the online retail space. The findings suggest that various factors such as performance expectations, social influence, effort expectations, pleasure-seeking motivation, facilitating conditions, habits, and price value, have a significant positive impact on individuals` intention to use voice assistants for an enhanced online shopping experience. Although there are studies that have investigated the role of voice assistants in determining purchase intention, not many studies have been conducted in the retail sector. One significant implication is the potential of voice assistants to enhance the overall customer experience. By providing customers with personalized and convenient shopping experience, voice assistants can enhance satisfaction and loyalty among the customers, leading further to an increase in revenue for e-commerce retailers. Another implication is the potential for cost savings that may be achieved by implementing voice assistants in the e-commerce sector.
By Tailai Wu, Chih-Hung Peng, Choon Ling Sia, & Yaobin Lu.
MIS Quarterly. Mar2024, Vol. 48 Issue 1, p31-66. 36p.

Abstract :Website localization plays an important role in guiding firms on how to customize websites across countries in which they have a local presence. However, few studies on website localization have systematically examined this topic from a theoretically grounded perspective. Drawing upon the theoretically driven consumer-company identification perspective, we propose that three website localization strategies (web similarity strategy, web distinctiveness strategy, and web prestige strategy) have positive effects on local users` perceived website localization, which, in turn, is related to local users` website loyalty. We further investigate the effects of these website localization strategies in a cross- cultural setting, focusing on the individualism-collectivism dimension of culture. Based on our online experiments in both the United States and China, we find that these website localization strategies have significant impacts on consumers` perceived website localization, which is related to consumers` website loyalty. We also find that web distinctiveness and web prestige strategies are more effective for people from collectivistic societies than for those from individualistic societies, whereas web similarity strategies do not differ across societal types. These findings highlight the importance of website localization strategies for customizing websites for global e-commerce.
Upgrading the ICT Regulatory Framework: Toward Accelerated and Inclusive Digital Connectivity
By Serafica, Ramonette B; Oren, Queen Cel A. 
Research Paper Series (Philippine Institute for Development Studies) Preview publication details ; Makati City Iss. 2, (2024): 1-69,71,I,V.

Abstract :Across different metrics, the Philippines continues to demonstrate subpar performance in information and communications technology (ICT) compared to other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and countries at the same level of development. The quality of the country`s ICT regulatory environment, composed of regulatory authority, regulatory mandate, regulatory regime, and competition model, is significantly below what is considered international best practice, consequently impeding the use of various technological solutions available to bridge the gap in digital inequality. Although significant policy changes have recently been introduced, more reforms are needed to achieve inclusive and accelerated digital connectivity. Priorities include reforming the licensing regime, formulating a spectrum policy and plan, and reinventing the National Telecommunications Commission to ensure regulatory independence.
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